Collect connected Hardware with Endpoint Analytics

To see which devices are using a particular monitor or keyboard, it can be very helpful if you can collect this information. In this blog I will show you how to do this with the help of Endpoint Analytics. You can then use this information to assign a driver to these devices or to trigger a hardware replacement. How you can automatically populate a group based on the output of an endpoint analytics script I explained in this blog post.

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Show user dialog with Endpoint Analytics (Smartphone Replacement Tool)

It is not always easy to reach users via email or other channels. When there are projects running to exchange e.g. smartphones or migrations from files from a network drive to an SharePoint it is hard reach the users and get an answer. Intune provides with Endpoint Analytics a very good on board tool to easily reach users via a user dialog. In this blog I will show how you can use this with the example of a smartphone exchange. The dialog and the method can be adapted to many other use cases.

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How to activate the new options for Passwordless authentication

The best password is the password that is not needed. Statistics show that the more often you have to change the password, the more insecure it becomes. Users write down the password or simply count it up. How about a possibility that is secure but does not require a password. In this blog I want to show you how easy it is to enable passwordless authentication for your organization.

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